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Woodchurch CE Primary School

Compassion Hope Forgiveness Thankfulness Love


Fox Class




Class Teacher: Mrs Harris
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Coles and Miss Pattemore



Hello everyone, welcome back to terms 5 and 6!

I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter break and are looking forward to some exciting terms ahead! For terms 5 and 6, our overarching project will be,'Ancient Civilisations'. This interesting and exhilarating project will be a history topic, where we will learn about During this project we will learn about the history of three of the world’s first ancient civilisations: ancient Sumer, ancient Egypt and the Indus Valley civilisation. This will include the rise, life, achievements and eventual end of each civilisation.



This term, our main class text will be,'Secret of a Sun King' by Emma Carroll, which we will use as one of our stimulus for some great writing opportunities. We will also study poetry and other fiction and non- fiction texts for our whole class reading sessions These will provide us with opportunities to improve our comprehension and performance skills.


The spelling rule will be taught on a Monday and spellings will be handed out on Monday, ready for the children to be tested the following Monday morning. This gives the children the opportunity of a re-test on Monday if they score lower than 7/10. Please try to complete these at home each night - spelling is such an important component of communication, reading and writing.



This term, our focus will be on decimals, time and shape.

Please could you practise telling the time with your child at home using both an analogue and digital clock. This is a skill which many children find tricky and will benefit them hugely later in the school year.

Children will practise their times tables daily as they will be tested on this later in the year. Please ensure you are learning these at home!

Hit the button and times table rock stars are both fantastic, fun resources.



This term, our Understanding Christianity unit of work will be focused on Hinduism and what it means to be a Hindu in Britain today. How can we learn more about their culture and festivals. Our big question this term is:
‘What does it mean to be a Hindu 
in Britain today?’



This term PE will be taught on a Thursday afternoon. Please can children ensure that their hair is tied back and earrings are removed. For term 3, we will be focusing on tennis and cricket.


If you have any questions, or would like to know more please get in touch. I am always available via class dojo and most afternoons after school.


Many thanks,

Mrs Harris, Mrs Coles and Miss Pattemore.

Terms 1 and 2 - Invasion Knowledge Organiser

Term 1 Food and The Digestive System Knowledge Organiser

Term 3 and 4 Misty Mountain, Raging Rivers Knowledge Organiser

Misty Mountain, Winding River Termly Overview

Science - States of Matter Knowledge Organiser

Science - Grouping and Classifying Knowledge Organiser

Ancient Civilisations Knowledge Organiser

Home Learning


The children are expected to read a minimum of five times per week - with their reading record signed to show what they have read. Each week a prize will be rewarded on a 'lucky dip' basis for all those children that are 5 star readers!

Reading is a vital life skill and something that you cannot live without. A love for reading is something I aim to instil in Fox Class. 


Spellings will be sent out on a weekly and termly basis. The children will sit a spelling test each Monday and are expected to stay in the practise any words they haven't learnt the previous week. The spellings for this term can be found on class dojo. 


Times Tables

Children are expected to know all of their times tables by the end of year 4. The children will be asked to sit a weekly 'Sound Check' on TT Rockstar. This only takes a maximum of 5 minutes and can be done within break/lunch time if the children do not have access to a computer. 
