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Woodchurch CE Primary School

Compassion Hope Forgiveness Thankfulness Love


Term 5

Term 5 

Animal Safari 


In the Animal Safari project, your child will learn about incredible animals that live worldwide. They will explore various animal habitats and compare the animals that live there with animals in their locality. They will learn how to care for pets and what all animals need to grow, survive and stay happy and healthy. They will explore animal features and find out how they survive in the wild. They will compare the ways that animals are similar and different.


Creep, Crawl and Wriggle


In the Creep, Crawl and Wriggle project, your child will learn about minibeasts. They will observe minibeasts in their natural habitats and create shelters for them to live in. They will learn about the life cycle of a butterfly and explore what minibeasts, such as snails and worms, need to survive. They will compare the features of minibeasts and learn the names of their body parts.
