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Woodchurch CE Primary School

Compassion Hope Forgiveness Thankfulness Love


Blackbird Class

Welcome to Blackbird Class! 



As Year 3 enter our final term of the year, I am so excited for all of the really interesting things we will be learning about this term!

This term our PE day is on Tuesdays. Please follow the link below to our class timetable for more information about our school week. 


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In English this term we will be completing our class book, The Roman Tales by Terry Deary. 


We will finished writing a letter to inform, based on our topic of  Romans. We will be thinking carefully about how a letter is structured and how to use a formal tone. We will then be using our existing skills to write a persuasive poster based upon this exciting adventure story. 








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This term we will begin by learning about money in order to convert pounds and pence, add and subtract money and finally to find change. We will then move onto to looking at time where we will be not only learning to read the time to the minute but also understanding the days of the week and months of the year. 





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Connected Curriculum


This term’s exciting topic is based on everyday life under the Roman Empire. We will learn about the founding of the Roman Empire and the growth of the empire under the most notable emperors. 


In our Science we will be looking at Light and Shadow and investigating the phenomena of reflections and shadow as well as looking for patterns in collected data. 

In art we will become Mosaic Masters, to create and design our own tile coasters.








To read more about what we will be learning this term please see below for our termly overview (click 'Curriculum') and our knowledge organisers for Connected Curriculum and Science. 





Class Teacher: Mrs Glazier.

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Norris, Mrs Hall.
