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Woodchurch CE Primary School

Compassion Hope Forgiveness Thankfulness Love


Blackbird Class

Welcome to Blackbird Class! 




Class team

Class Teacher: Mrs Grassi-Young 

Teaching Assistants: Miss Perkins and Mrs Lee


Welcome everyone back to school for the start of Term 3! We are all very excited to see what our Blackbirds achieve this term after an absolutely fab Term 2. 


Please have a look below for any important information this term which will be updated when needed. I will post any important updates to our Class Dojo page and I will also post regular weekly updates to share our exciting learning from the week. If you have any further queries please feel free to contact us.


Mrs Grassi-Young


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Term 3 Overview
Below is an overview of what there is to look forward to this term.



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 In English this term, we will be starting a new class book ‘Stranded: a mostly true story from Iceland'. We will begin by identifying features of an instructional text before utilising these features to write our own instructions. We will be focusing on using imperative verbs and time conjunctions. We will then move on to writing a non-chronological report (explanation text) using different sentence types and subordinating conjunctions. 





Children will receive 10 spelling words on a Friday that are focused on our spelling rule of the week and will then be given a spelling test on the following Friday. Children will have their Spelling shed logins in their reading records so they can practise the rules using online games throughout the week.


Reading is a fundamental skill children need to be practising daily in order to access all aspects of our exciting but challenging curriculum. The expectation is that children read daily and to discuss what they have read as per the home school agreement. They also must hand in reading records daily in order for TA’s to sign them.




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At Woodchurch, our maths scheme we follow is White Rose Maths and below you will find an overview of the year. If we feel the children need extra consolidation time on specific units, then the timings may be adjusted to allow for this.


This term, our first unit is multiplication and division. Playing TTRS at home will help your child's times table recall which will further help with this unit of learning. The link for TTRS is at the bottom of the screen. 


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Connected Curriculum


Our next main driver topic is ‘Rocks, Relics and Rumbles’ which we will be learning about throughout term 3 and term 4. This project teaches children about the features and characteristics of Earth's layers, including a detailed exploration of volcanic, tectonic and seismic activity.  The children will be utilising investigative approaches to enhance their learning throughout the topic. 





In this term, we will also have the opportunity to complete some Science learning on forces and magnets, alongside completing our art project 'Ammonite' and our DT project 'Making it Move'.


Useful information

Children should have a water bottle and their reading book/reading record in school daily.


PE is every Monday and alternates between Wednesday and Friday depending on whether it is Year 3's Team theme week. I will always post on dojo the previous week to let you know what day our PE is the following week. Our PE learning this term is surrounding football and badminton. Children should have a PE kit in school, consisting of a T-shirt in their house colour, black jogging bottoms, or shorts, a PE sweatshirt and outdoor trainers/plimsolls.

Reminder: all children need to have earrings removed, or taped over and long hair tied back.

