Rabbit Class
Teacher: Miss Stonehouse
TAs: Mrs Norris and Mrs Potter
Welcome to Term 1! We hope you had a wonderful Summer break and are well rested and ready for a new year of learning. We are so excited to share this year of learning with you in Year 1. On this page, you will find all the information you may need for the term. Similarly, we will share updates on the Dojo page as and when required. You will also find weekly updates on the Dojo page so you can see what learning your child has been doing each week.
If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Year 1 information booklet
Term 1 Termly Overview
Term 1
In Maths, we follow the White Rose Maths scheme of learning. Below you will find the overview for the year. We follow this, however, if we feel that the children need extra consolidation of a topic/concept, we may spend a longer time covering this.
In Term 1, we will be starting to explore place value within 10. Place Value provides your child with the foundations for number, therefore we spend a lot of time consolidating this learning to ensure your child is confident in order to progress onto other mathematical concepts.
We know lots of you love to continue Maths learning at home, therefore I have listed some ways in which your can support your child this term.
- Ensure your child can read and write numbers 0-10, and that all numbers are formed correctly.
- Practise counting with your child and encourage 1-1 correspondence, for example putting the correct number of objects with a numeral.
- Regularly talk about number with your child, asking them questions such as 'What is 1 more than 4?' White Rose have an app available on the app store called 'White Rose 1 minute Maths'. It would be great to focus on the category 'Subitising' to begin this term if you would like additional practise. This is something we are focusing on during our 'Mastering number' sessions whereby the children can recognise a number without counting.
In Year 1, we will be continuing with Floppy's phonics. Floppy's phonics is a rigorous, easy to use, systematic synthetic teaching programme for early reading and writing success.
We cannot stress enough the importance of listening to your child read at home each day. It will support them significantly with their learning and their consolidation of phonetic knowledge.
Below is the English Alphabetic Code your child uses to help them learn to read. We have a focus sound each week that you child will be developing. This will be linked to their weekly spellings (Please see next subheading).
Each week, your child will have spellings to learn. In Term 1, your child will have 3 spellings to learn. These spellings will be linked to the spelling rule your child has learnt that week. Please practise these spellings with your child. We will then have a spelling challenge every Friday morning. You will find your child's spellings in their phonics folder.
This term, we are focusing on writing instructions. We are exploring the book 'Paper Dolls' and after creating our own craft, we will be writing instructions for someone to follow. We will be learning the skills required to do these over several weeks. We will also be focusing on descriptions, in particular a character description. We will be focusing on our use of capital letters, full stops and finger spaces as well as introducing descriptive vocabulary through the use of adjectives.
Whole Class Reading
In addition to phonics, we will be starting Whole Class Reading (WCR) using ICLUE. ICLUE is a set of comprehension based reading symbols that help us to focus more specifically on the different comprehension skills. Each symbol will help us to think about each comprehension target explicitly and enable us to explore these targets in greater depth. These targets are listed below:
Inference and deduction
Locating and retrieving
Below is an example text that we use. The children will then answer various questions about the text to develop their comprehension knowledge.
Connected Curriculum
This is our overarching topic for Terms 1 and 2. This project teaches children what life was like in the past, in particular exploring what childhood used to be like. We will be exploring similarities and differences between childhood then and now. We have an exciting opportunity to visit the Woodchurch Museum and explore real-life artefacts such as toys, games, books, etc from many years ago!
If you or anyone in your family would be interested in coming in to school to talk to the class or share photos or artefacts from their childhood, please do get in touch as we would love to have some visitors!
As part of our Connected Curriculum, we also have smaller companion projects focusing on other areas of the curriculum. These include:
Everyday Materials Shade and Shelter Funny faces and fabulous features