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Woodchurch CE Primary School

Compassion Hope Forgiveness Thankfulness Love


Woodpecker Class



Woodpecker Class 2024 - 2025



Class Team 


Class Teacher: Mrs De-Keyzer

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Priest & Ms Lehane


Hello everyone and welcome to the Woodpecker Class page. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and I am really looking forward to our next term together and what is in store for term 3!


Please have a look below to find any important information you may need for this term and more. There will always be updates on this page as they are needed and I will add the link to a post on our Class Dojo Page, if there is something I think you need to see urgently. I will also post at least weekly on class Dojo to share with you our key areas of learning in Woodpecker Class and what exciting things we are getting up to with photos and snippets of the children's work.

Please do not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions or please get in contact with the school office who will be able to pass any messages on. 


Mrs De-Keyzer 


Our Classroom 



Term 3 Overview


This overview gives you a short snippet of what the children's learning will be based around this term.



Term 3 timetable 




Reading underpins everything we do throughout our curriculum so at this stage it is vital pupils have underpinned basic phonic skills to be able to access our ever challenging curriculum. I expect each pupil to read everyday, for at least 5 minutes and to discuss what they have read with an adult as per our home school agreement. There will be key questions that you can get an adult to ask you inside your reading records. They must also have their reading records signed daily when they read (Our TA's, and I will be checking this each week) so they can move up our Reading Rocket Challenge and receive certificates and prizes! If it is not signed they will not move up and therefore prizes and certificates will not be given. The children must put their books into the box in the classroom daily, it is their responsibility to do this, we will not be chasing them to do it everyday as they now know the routines and expectations in school. As a school we are driving mastering the skill of fluency in reading at the moment so books will only be changed 2-3 times a week and they do need to be re-read ( twice through for shorter texts) to build on speed and understanding. The children will also have the opportunity to visit the library on a Friday where they can choose a book of their choice to take home. Please make sure if they take a book out, if they want to swap it, it has to be in school on a Friday only. Please do not bring them in earlier than this. Alternatively, they can be left in bags so they are ready to swap on a Friday.


In year 2, we expect children to master their phonics and move onto Accelerated Reader where comprehension and fluency can be developed further on our excellent whole school approach to reading. When they get an accelerated reader book they will have their zone, username and password in the back of their reading records. This comes after phonics, only when we feel a pupil is secure in phonics and ready and they successfully complete a star reader assessment. Please do not quiz at home. This needs to be done in school. Once at this stage, pupils have the opportunity to choose their own accelerated reader book within their own zones, which gives them more ownership of their reading and a larger variety of texts within school. 


For pupils on AR only







 This year our focus is on learning our 2, 5 and 10 Times-tables, including knowing them in and out of order and the corresponding division facts e.g 2 x 3 = 6, 6 ÷ 2 = 3. It is no longer just counting up in steps like 2,4,6,8 ( although we need to know this too). 

Pupils will have their Times-table Rock Star logins in their reading records within the first week, so please make the most of using these for rapid recall practise. I will set where I think they should be practising in garage mode. This is the only mode that can be set, the rest of the games are random selection, so do make sure they play in the correct part if they want to focus on the ones I have set, otherwise it can give random calculations or they can get too challenging and too fast.




At Woodchurch, we follow White Rose Maths. Please see our year 2 overview for the year below. As we cover each unit if we feel more time is needed in certain areas, timings will be adjusted or more time will be spent on specific areas, depending on what the class needs at the time.



Phonics & Spelling



In year 2, the children begin to focus on taught spelling rules. The children will learn one rule per week using our whole school approach to teaching spelling through Spelling Shed. Those who need extra phonics support will receive it through 1:1 catch up intervention or whole class or group sessions where appropriate. 


  Pupils will receive new spellings every week on a Monday and test on a Friday.They will receive 10 spellings per week linked to the rule or some tricky words included within this to revise them. We always have time to practise and revise these throughout the week as part of our practise sessions and during early morning work. Pupils will have spelling shed logins in the back of their reading records by the end of week 1, so that they can practise their spelling rules through interactive games online throughout the week at home. I will upload these each week, we will be monitoring the progress in spelling, as it is part of our whole school agreement for core skills practise. 

Spellings may be grouped on ability, so not all pupils may have the same spellings as another pupil. Spelling lists will be inside their phonics folders on a Monday. We will not be checking phonics folders everyday to see if spellings are in there. It is the children's responsibility to ask if they need them if they have not got them after Monday.


Connected Curriculum


This term our focus is shifting to Geography. We will begin the term with Let's Explore the World and then we will move onto the main driver project 'Coastline'. 


This essential skills and knowledge project teaches children about atlases, maps and cardinal compass points. They learn about the characteristics of the four countries of the United Kingdom and find out why there are hot, temperate and cold places around the world. They also compare England to Somalia. Children carry out fieldwork, collecting primary data in their locality to answer geographical questions. 



Here are some of the texts we will be using throughout this topic...





Our reading for pleasure text will be...




These are the prayers the children will recite together before lunch and at the end of the school day as part of our routines. 






Important Documents

 Links to websites the children will use at home and in school

Please only complete quizzes in school. 

The three words needs updated regularly which I will do as and when required.
