Squirrel Class
Welcome to Squirrel Class!
Year 5 Team
Class Teacher: Mr. Brabner
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Coles, Ms Pattemore and Miss Perkins
This term (1) PE days will be on Tuesday and Friday.
What we've been up to since September...
Our Class:
In Squirrel Class everyone is celebrated for being themselves. We are friendly, polite and always happy to try new things!
In term 3, our learning areas are as follows:
English: We will be writing a third person narrative and an explanation text.
RE: We'll examine the story of Exodus.
Maths: Multiplication and fractions.
PE: We will be taking part in gymnastics and badminton.
PSHE: Our focus will be on the Heartsmart topic "Don't hold on to what's wrong!"
Connected Curriculum:
We use Cornerstones to teach our topic based subjects. The main theme is Sew, Grow and Farm which is all about agriculture.
The other projects covered within this include:
- Eat the seasons
- Human reproduction and aging.
- Line, light and shadows.
- Nature's Art
Squirrel Class Teaching Team 🐿️