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Woodchurch CE Primary School

Compassion Hope Forgiveness Thankfulness Love


Termly Topics

Our Curriculum Overview 2022 - 2023

Here is an Overview of our topic titles for this year's curriculum. 

Term 1Term 2Term 3Term 4 Term 5Term 6

Let's Explore


Build it up

Marvellous Machines 

Puppets and Pop Ups

Long Ago 

Stories and Rhymes

Ready Steady Grow 

Signs of Spring 

Animal Safari 

Creep, Crawl and Wriggle

On the Beach 

Move it / Move On 

Our Curriculum Overview 2021-2022

Here is an Overview of our topic titles for this year's curriculum. 

Term 1Term 2Term 3Term 4 Term 5Term 6

Me and My Community 

Exploring Autumn 

Starry Night


Winter Wonderland  

Once Upon a Time 


Sparkle and Shine

Big Wide World 



Dangerous Dinosaurs


Puddles and Rainbows

Sunshine and Sunflowers


Shadows and Reflections 
