Year 5 Football Academy
Football Academy week 1!
Our first session was an introduction into ‘playing the right way’. We looked at positive and negative behaviours displayed whilst playing football and looked at ways of changing those negatives into positives. The children had some really good ideas and could see how easy negative behaviours can spoil the game and why we should encourage positive football related behaviour. The children have come home with a code of conduct to go through with you and sign, they will need to bring this back next week please.
Next week we are looking at picking teams fairly. I cannot wait! Well done everyone!
Thank you,
Miss Thompson
Football Academy week 2
Today we started the session with a match to see how much the children took in from last week ‘playing the right way’. I was so impressed with behaviours and attitudes of the children involved, it was such a pleasure watching them play fairly and encourage each other. We finished the session by watching a video clip on ‘playing the right way’ to see what characteristics the children identified both in professional and school football and what they could carry out in their own game. The children have brought home a worksheet that needs to be completed for next week, where we will be looking at equality and fairness through balanced teams. Well done year 5!
Miss Thompson