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Woodchurch CE Primary School

Compassion Hope Forgiveness Thankfulness Love



RSE is a lifelong learning process of acquiring information, developing skills and forming  positive beliefs and attitudes about sex, sexuality, relationships and feelings’. (Sex Education Forum  1999). 


All the activities in Woodchurch CEP School are carried out with the understanding of our role as a school for the whole local community build on Christian principles, whilst being considerate of our Church of England foundation and the teachings of the Anglican Church in regards to relationship and sex. Our Christian values of Compassion, Hope, Forgiveness, Thankfulness and Love are promoted in everything we do.  


We aspire to help every child develop as a whole person and we believe that effective RSE can make a significant contribution to their ability to establish and maintain stable and loving relationships. It also enables young people to respect others, make responsible and  informed decisions about their health and wellbeing and also promotes the British values of  tolerance.  


We are committed to being a welcoming and inclusive school where all feel included, can learn and flourish, living out Jesus’ promise of life in all it’s fullness (John 10:10) regardless of their family arrangements, beliefs or sexual or gender orientation. 


The delivery of RSE in our church school encompasses the teachings of the Church of England, including the Christian understanding of marriage as the context for sexual relationships and the importance of trust, loyalty, fidelity and choice, as well as the understanding of abstinence and celibacy as positive life choices, whilst being sensitive to the community we serve. 

RSE Curriculum Overview
