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Woodchurch CE Primary School

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School Uniform

At Woodchurch we pride ourselves in being smart, well presented and ready for learning. It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in school organised events outside normal school hours. We ask children to wear their shirts tucked into their skirts, shorts or trousers and to take pride in their personal appearance. Some items of uniform can be bought from school, whilst others are easily available, at very competitive prices, at local shops including supermarkets.


There is a school uniform at Woodchurch that consists of:  

  • Woodchurch red jumper, fleece or cardigan with embroidered school logo  
  • Plain white shirt (long or short sleeved) or white polo shirt
  • Grey shorts or trousers  
  • Grey pinafore dress or skirt 
  • Red gingham checked summer dress (Terms 5, 6 and 1 only)
  • White, grey or black socks or plain grey, black or red tights


P.E. Kit 


Children need a change of clothes, socks and footwear for P.E (for health and hygiene reasons) and a draw-string bag in which to keep the kit at school. 


P.E. Uniform is:  

  • White ankle socks (separate from those worn with school uniform)  
  • Black shorts
  • Plain tshirt in house colour (blue, red, purple or green)
  • A pair of plimsolls or trainers – velcro fastenings are essential for younger children for indoor P.E. in the hall  
  • Black jogging bottoms and or your school red sweatshirt/fleece/cardigan for outdoor lessons in cold weather 

Please note skirts should be an appropriate length and of a style which allows sitting comfortably on the floor. When shorts are worn, they should also be of an appropriate length. 


For health and safety reasons children are not permitted to wear earrings for PE. Your child’s teacher will advise you when PE lessons take place so that earrings can be removed.



Uniform is now available to order. You can do this by visiting the shop in Ashford town centre or by placing an order online. They also stock house coloured PE T-Shirts.


Please click here for the link to their website.


County Print and Embroidery


1 Chapel Mews,

North Street,

Ashford, Kent,

TN24 8JN


FOWSA run a second hand uniform shop offering a low cost, more sustainable option. Second hand items are in good used condition and are priced at £1.

The school page is here:

When you have placed your order you will receive a message asking you to confirm if you wish to collect from the school office or have your items given to the child to bring home. You will receive email notification for the message so please check your junk mail.

FOWSA will endeavour to have your item(s) ready within 3 school days.
